Saturday, May 26, 2007


变被动为主动~ 这就是我的 [[蓝色生死恋]]... 一段恋情里非得有生离死别才算精彩吗??

My new set of nails~ its hard to find one who's able to turn ur ideas into reality... Well, here's a manicurist who's close~ =]

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


在<弦歌寄意>与~巫许玛莉一起为你传情达意那晚真是让我好开心喔~ 我发觉我蛮喜欢念信的... 好想一坐就不用起身了! 那晚我的相机没电了, 所以有点可惜... =] 但还是捕捉到那晚的画面咯!

My nite co-hosting with Siyong & veteran DJ, Mary has been quite a knock off for.. really love the whole process of it! *Waves* This job requires multi-task, however, if you get a hand of the momentum after familiarizing urself with it... u'll do fine~ =P


5夜彩虹=5个不一样的主题让我们多变化~ *哈哈*

下一个: [[蓝色生死恋]]
My nails of the week~ even though im down, it does not withstand my passion~!! & Nails are sure to be on the list of [Muz do]!! Spend 5 hoirs restucturing everything & designs...


终于从病魔的手中逃离了!! 过了那么多天, 我真是觉得有点脱离世界... 可能是少睡觉, 操劳过度吧。5月是个忙录的时光,有好多时都挤在一起竟行。在家我是个小管家吧,必须“包山包海”所有大小事物。我也参与一个短期的公益活动, 是在5月进行的, 因此也忙得晕头转向咯~

那身体不适不只是我哦~ , 有受伤在家休养的志勇和在医院留医观察的崇庆。我们几位也去探病一翻, 看到崇庆精神还蛮好的跟我们聊了一会儿后也不觉得累。虽然看见我们的周公伤痕累累, 但也为他感到庆幸没有生命危险。。。真的希望大家都身体健康, 平平安安。。。

而我呢是个健康的小超人~!! 很少会生病, 所以多加休息就好咯! =P
Though i've been sick for the passed week, i've accomplished many tasks & am rather fufilled... its time to gather myself & have ample rest for the coming Finals~ *Yeah Yeah Yeah!!*
The few of us from the competition have visited YES 933's veteran jock -- Chong qing whois still as jovial after the mishap in Ubin which has brought him slain & cuts...
Wish us all pink & healthy thru & thru~ =]