Saturday, April 28, 2007

准备制服咯 = ^^ =

要在YES 933 电台里上课了, 非常期待这天的来临, 我也相信所有的参赛者都是抱着同样的心情。因为这里象是另一个世界, 是个让大家想探索和找寻的天地,而也因此激励了我们来参加名星DJ争霸赛!!

今天为了电脑的事也忙了大半天… 现在只想吃饱饱, 睡个好觉…


Mel the shooting star said...

"The stage is your playground. You are there so that you can give the audience a great performance. There's no need to be afraid of the audience for they are there cheer for you, not laugh at you. Know that you are good and that you can touch their hearts with your performance. Have faith and you will definitely succeed." Hope this litle statement can encourage you.


Bavis in the House said...

Mel, 谢谢你的鼓力~ 我会加油的!! =P