Sunday, May 13, 2007

目睹<<断背山>> =P

5 月12日我目睹了断背山哦~ 哈哈!! 我们都玩得很开心... 在这比赛里最开心的收获就是他们... =)
It has been a great day out~ with all the brokeback snaps & excruciating expressions... =] We'll they wanted news & outbreak of wagging tongues!! *
Have they got it??*


香萍 said...

hi my dear friend.看来你的朋友都好on哦, 这么玩得起,呵呵。

Evonne said...

wah piang .....断背断背hahahahaa :)
btw.u not going to the car decal on thur arh?