Sunday, June 3, 2007

**A round of applause**

Wow~ Time flies & the whole competition is over... & i've MISSED it!! =( First of all, *CONGRATS* to Ivy.. Knew she'll hit it & do great!! :P I was down with the bug of Fever + Flu + Sore throat etc.. & it feels lousy and weak all the way to your spine~ the bug has maximised its "manifestation" on me pretty thoroughly!!

I've yet to recover, but the fever has gone for 2 nites (low-feverish) & let with a little flu... im travelling as planned with my air-tix bought prior to tis surprized "attack".. I cant fully enjoy the trip, juz allow food & fun to by pass.... .... Well, at least im out of town~

I'll continue with this blog to continue to share my world with ((YOU)) in billingual... Pen off now, would snap shots back & share with youmy experience!! Stay tune!


Emcee Sharlyn said...

Hi Bavis,

Get well soon and we'll celebrate Ivy's victory soon ya!


Emcee Sharlyn said...

Hi bavis,

Get well soon and we'll celebrate Ivy's victory soon ya!


Evonne said...

take care o~
miss you alotS:)

Bavis in the House said...

Thanx gals~ =] We'll hangout soon!!

Evonne said...

gg tw?
remeember grab a present for me :D
u still own me birthday present :D